When your company has been in business for 28 years and your senior staff has some 100 years of combined experience, several things should become obvious. First, your company has developed a proven system that provides to your customer/clients the product or services they want. In Bailey Routzong’s business, that “want” is maximum financial reward!
So how has Bailey Routzong consistently delivered Bonus Value to its clients for 28 years? The answer… it’s all in the proven system Bailey Routzong had developed as our company grew. There are lots of brokers out there who could be described as competitors in the marketplace to Bailey Routzong, and many of these brokers are capable people, and some of their companies put on substantial advertising and promotional programs.
However, the industry reality is that there are only about 20+ buyer sources in the U.S. of significance that regularly pursue the acquisition of schools, and are capable of paying all cash for both an owner’s business and real estate; having a track record of completing those transactions. Bailey Routzong chooses to focus on these 20+ financially qualified companies to determine the specific market areas where they have a “strategic” corporate need to add school(s)… i.e. “strategic” means that their efforts to date have failed to achieve. As example, if two (2) potential buyers (A vs B) were considering a specific school acquisition opportunity, with buyer A having a “strategic business need” to acquire a school in that area, while buyer B is interested in potential acquisitions but has no “strategic business need” to acquire a school(s) in the market being considered. The simple question… which of those two (2) potential buyers will pay the most for that acquisition opportunity?